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5 results.
What is Deep Learning?
по admin опубликовано Apr 27 2018, 14:41
Deep learning is a specific type of machine learning algorithm that uses multi-level neural networks.

A neural network is an algorithm that simulates the structure of the brain by having nodes (neurons) and relationships (dendrites). A neural network solves a problem by converting the problem into a set of input nodes, a set of output nodes, and a set of intermediate or "hidden" nodes. Deep learning is just a neural network with multiple intermediate layers of nodes.
Теги: ai, definition, artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning
Обновлено: Apr 27 2018, 14:41
Ответы: 0, Вид: 4368, сегодня: 1, неделю: 3, месяц: 4
Недурно: 3, дислайк: 0, звезды: 5.0
What is Deep Learning?
по admin опубликовано Apr 27 2018, 14:41
Ответы: 0 | Вид: 4368
What is Machine Learning
по admin опубликовано Apr 27 2018, 14:26
Ответы: 3 | Вид: 4869
What is Artificial Intelligence/AI?
по admin опубликовано Apr 27 2018, 14:18
Ответы: 0 | Вид: 3886
What is an AI bot
по admin опубликовано May 20 2015, 21:31
Ответы: 0 | Вид: 4390
How to make your bot stop learning responses from other users?
по admin опубликовано Mar 7 2014, 19:25
By default, a new bot will not learn from other users, unless you use the ai_template to create the bot. When learning is enabled, a bot will remembered user responses to the bot's responses, and the bot will use the user responses in future conversations. This is useful to let your bot learn new things, but undesirable if you want your bot to only respond how you have trained it.

From the Learning page in your bot's Admin Console, you can configure who your bot learns from. You can disable learning, or configure your bot to only learn from its administrators, or only from signed in users. You can also configure who is allowed to correct your bot's responses, and you can configure the bot's learning rate, and other options.
Теги: ai, learning
Обновлено: Jun 6 2016, 16:02
Ответы: 1, Вид: 3197, сегодня: 1, неделю: 2, месяц: 3
Недурно: 0, дислайк: 0, звезды: 0.0
How to make your bot stop learning responses from other users?
по admin опубликовано Mar 7 2014, 19:25
Ответы: 1 | Вид: 3197