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overiding a set with that

по bobred опубликовано Jan 12 2019, 5:25

I cannot override a set with that.Is there another way?here is the aiml code I am using.mytext.txt

by admin posted Jan 14 2019, 15:57

You're AIML does not make sense, I have no idea what you are trying to do.

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Views: 2496, today: 1, week: 1, month: 16

by bobred posted Jan 14 2019, 19:21

I am trying make my chatbot to learn if words is a emotion,activity,synonym or other types of words in a sentence.then say something  appropriate in response to the chatbot knowing that the word is an emotion,activity,synonym or other types of words.i want the chatbot to say something in response to me typing I am sick to the chatbot.

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Views: 2407, today: 1, week: 1, month: 16

by bobred posted Jan 14 2019, 21:50

my chatbot will be able to learn a about a word through asking question.

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Views: 2486, today: 1, week: 1, month: 15

by admin posted Jan 15 2019, 10:16
Here is an example script that learns new words for a set using a self tag,


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Views: 2417, today: 2, week: 2, month: 15

by bobred posted Jan 15 2019, 17:21

I already know how to do that.my chatbot will ask if an emotion is negative or positive then learns if those emotions are positive or negative.I am going to do something like that with many different words.

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Views: 2586, today: 1, week: 1, month: 15

Идентификатор: 25522905
Теги: aiml
Опубликовано: Jan 12 2019, 5:25
Ответы: 5
Вид: 3112, сегодня: 3, неделю: 3, месяц: 24
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