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run a script in a greeting

по bobred опубликовано Oct 3 2018, 19:06

can I run a self script in a greeting?

by bobred posted Oct 3 2018, 20:22

I figured out how to make  the chatbot know the hour with the greeting.so it can ask if you want breakfast, dinner or lunch.i am going to use that for that.

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Views: 2316, today: 2, week: 8, month: 13

by admin posted Oct 4 2018, 9:17

To run code in a greeting there are 2 options, use a Template, or use a redirect.

For example, for a Template you can use something like:

Template("{var hour = Date.get(Date.date(), #hour); if (hour < 10) { "Good morning." } else if (hour > 18) { "Good evening." } else { "Good day." } }")

For a redirect, you use a Template in your greeting that does a redirect to a response that is handled by a script.

Template("{ redirect("script_greeting") }")

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Views: 2350, today: 1, week: 7, month: 11

by bobred posted Oct 4 2018, 10:45

that is good to know.But how do I rename a aiml script after I have made it.Because most of my new scripts I made are just called aiml.

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Views: 2456, today: 1, week: 8, month: 12

by admin posted Oct 4 2018, 14:12
If you upload AIML from a file or our script library it gets the file/script name.
If you create a new AIML script from the bot's scripts it will be named 'aiml', to have a different name, first save it as a Self script with the name, then change the code to AIML.

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Views: 2314, today: 1, week: 8, month: 11

by bobred posted Oct 6 2018, 8:03

redirect to a script does not work because the default response overrides it.

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Views: 2413, today: 2, week: 12, month: 17

by admin posted Oct 9 2018, 12:36
I have tested this, and it does work.

I'm not sure what you tried.

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Views: 2250, today: 2, week: 7, month: 12

by bobred posted Oct 9 2018, 19:55

This script is what I was talking about.


Template("{ redirect("script_greeting") }")

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Views: 2288, today: 1, week: 8, month: 13

by admin posted Oct 10 2018, 13:28
So a "redirect" send the redirect text as a message to the bot and returns the response.

For example if a bot had a script that had the pattern "hello" and returned "hello world", then in a Template redirect("hello") would return "hello world".

In my example "script_greeting" was an example message, you need a script that accepts this pattern and return your desired response. If you have no response for "script_greeting", then your bot would use its default response.

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Views: 2353, today: 1, week: 7, month: 12

by bobred posted Oct 10 2018, 18:34

okay I did not know that.

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Views: 2304, today: 2, week: 10, month: 15

by bobred posted Oct 10 2018, 19:11

this is what Sheila bing greeting is now.wait here.walks away down the hallway.comes back 30 minutes.here is your script_hour on a tray. 

i have a a aiml script called hour and it has hour as a pattern.

put in the search Sheila bing rating= mature

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Views: 2273, today: 3, week: 13, month: 18

by admin posted Oct 19 2018, 8:02
Looking at your bot, your greeting redirects to the question "script_hour" but you have no response for this.

In your script the pattern should be "script_hour" not "hour".

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Views: 2270, today: 1, week: 9, month: 14

by bobred posted Oct 19 2018, 9:30

thankyou that worked.

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Views: 2288, today: 1, week: 8, month: 12

by bobred posted Oct 19 2018, 12:21

the redirect script does not work with the random tag.

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Views: 2245, today: 2, week: 11, month: 14

Идентификатор: 23866396
Теги: programming
Опубликовано: Oct 3 2018, 19:06
Ответы: 13
Вид: 4058, сегодня: 2, неделю: 9, месяц: 17
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