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Self, AIML, and scripting

Trying to make bot call Blogger feeds

по dvolatility опубликовано Jun 5 2016, 21:17


I'm trying to get my bot to call my blogger feeds but I'm suck. Anyone know the correct way to do it? I'm just stuck on the Blogger side. I do have a Blogger API key if I need one. This is what I have so far.


state LabelFeedPosts {
pattern "I (want need) [articles news posts updates information] (on about) * " template LabelFeeds();
pattern "I'm (looking searching) for [articles news posts updates information info] (on about) * " template LabelFeeds();
pattern "Give me [articles news posts updates information info] (on about) * " template LabelFeeds();
pattern "I need [articles news posts updates information info] related to * " template LabelFeeds();
pattern "Can you help me (find get) [articles news posts updates information info] (on about) * " template LabelFeeds();
pattern "Do you (have post) [articles news posts updates information info] (on about) * " template LabelFeeds();

function LabelFeeds() {
posts = Http.requestXML("https://www.blogger.com/feeds/5355627375288883516/posts/default/-/" + star);
if (posts == null) {
return "I'm sorry, I do not have that label indexed.";
return "Here are the most recent posts on " + star + ": " posts;


Thank you,




by Paphus posted Jun 6 2016, 7:09
Your code looks right, what issue do you get?

What are examples of some of your labels?

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Опубликовано: Jun 5 2016, 21:17
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