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How Do i make an emailbot

по Donavon888 опубликовано Nov 10 2015, 0:34

by admin posted Nov 10 2015, 8:26
You can connect your bot to email from the Email page under your bot's Admin Console.
You can connect your bot to a pop3, stmp, or imaps email server, such as Gmail.
You need to know your email server's protocol, host and port. The default settings are for Gmail, so to connect to Gmail you just need to enter your gmail address and password.

On the main server botlibre.com email bots check their email once per day, unless you upgrade your account. On our Twitter/Facebook/Email server
http://twitter.botlibre.com they will check their email once per hour (or sooner if you upgrade your account).

The bots will respond to all emails based on their trained responses. You can train your bot's responses from the Training and Chat Logs pages.

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Опубликовано: Nov 10 2015, 0:34
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